Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tired + Inspired

The Art House Co-op Sketchbook Project stopped off in Winter Park, FL, this year, to our great pleasure. Artists from around the world contributed some 10,000 sketchbooks to this mobile art library, permanently housed in Brooklyn, NY. At each stop on the road tour, visitors signed up to receive library cards and check out hand-crafted volumes, two at a time.

Our first discovery: Christina Choffe from France interprets sleeplessness.

A lovely, minimalist book by Samantha Sng from Singapore, on the theme of Secret Codes, fell into our hands by chance:

Sng writes, "Fight not what is in front of you, but what comes from behind. Weariness is but another intangible notion. When one is invincible, it is hard pressed for one to ever be knocked down. Down or out."

The sketchbook stacks seemed endless. Children, seniors, artists and students flocked to Full Sail University to dig into them. Soon we'll show and tell you more about Art House Co-op's inspiring project, including our plans to bring it to the Tampa Bay area next year. But for now, sleep beckons. Weariness has become tangible. Close the book.

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